As an entrepreneur, you need to believe in yourself and your product or service. You need to believe that you can ultimately succeed in your business. Why else would you embark on this rollercoaster journey that takes considerable, time, effort and often money?
But to make money and make an impact, you first need to create something new. You have to take an idea from your head and bring it forth to the world. You have to be like God and literally make something that has never been in existence before.
Then you have to let it loose on the world and hope that your creative baby will be good, seen, liked, and ideally lead to sales.
The thing is, you don’t know if what you’ve made is good, or will be seen or liked. You just put it out there and hope that something positive will happen.
Just because it’s not seen or liked, doesn’t mean it’s not good. JK Rowling was turned down by 12 publishers before she found success with Harry Potter after all.
Similarly, just because it’s not seen or liked doesn’t mean it is good either!
There’s a high likelihood that if you are a new entrepreneur, your work may not yet be good enough. And that is entirely normal because you’re doing something new and you haven’t had the time or experience required to develop the skills you need.
Many creators and entrepreneurs share their work over and over again and receive little in the form of feedback for a long time.
This can be very demotivating and can ultimately stop you from creating. This is where you have to believe in yourself before other people believe in you.
If on the one hand creating is a divine act, then on the other, there must be an equal force of faith in what you create. You must be both a god and a believer simultaneously.
Belief is the key to success in any creative or entrepreneurial endeavour. Without belief, you won’t have the motivation, the confidence, or the resilience to keep going.
You have to believe it before you see it. You have to believe it before others believe it. You have to believe it before you win it.
And if you can’t believe in yourself right now, can you believe that you can become that person in the future?
What would it take to become that future you?